bite-sized beauty blog
How to Choose your Summer Concealer Shade
There are so many considerations when picking a concealer that we hate to throw another one at ya, but it's a very important one that we often forget. If you’re stocking...
Beauty Tips to Follow While Stuck Indoors During Quarantine
With most salons and spas closed right now we’re left to fend for ourselves, but there are a few treatments and remedies you can easily do at home. At-home self-care...
The Power Behind Maintaining a Daily Routine
It's pretty easy to fall out of a typical routine while practicing social distancing. Classes are being taught online, and for most, working from home is now a requirement....
DIY Lip Scrub for Butter Soft Lips
We’ve got some tips and tricks for getting—and maintaining—soft, supple lips that look as healthy as they feel. Try out this DIY lip scrub, and your lips will be...
Stay Social While Social Distancing
Being stuck inside is pretty lonely, especially if you live by yourself, which is why it’s more important than ever to stay in touch with friends and family. We’ve...
5 Ways to Continue Supporting Local Businesses in your Community
While you may not be able to sit down at your favorite restaurant or schedule an appointment at your local beauty parlor, we’ve compiled other simple ways you...
4 Female-Owned Small Businesses You Can Support from Your Couch
While we often hear about the big companies who are on the path to receive a bailout in the wake of COVID-19 - airlines, national retailers, etc....
How to Turn Your Vanity into Your Work Space
Having a designated workspace is an important part of establishing a productive work-from-home routine. As long as you have a table and a chair, you can turn just about...
Beauty Myths We Are Sick and Tired Of
We identified five common myths that continue to circulate in the beauty community. Just like we all know that stepping on a crack isn’t really going to break our mother’s back,...
Meet the Brains Behind the Beauty
We decided to spend a little time celebrating and highlighting our Pittsburgh-based team of amazing women.
4 Women in History Who Inspire Us
We’re celebrating the women who made revolutionary strides in science, literature, art and social justice. We decided to imagine what the modern-day version of these historic women would be...
How Beauty Hygiene Can Help Prevent the Flu
In light of recent news about the coronavirus, we are showing you how to maintain a hygienic beauty routine using these simple, yet effective, tips.